Thursday, 29 January 2015

Winnipeg Music Festival

More information and permission forms will be sent home in the middle of February.  The dates are:

Grade 5 Theatre Club - March 3 a.m. at Westminister Church
Grade 3 Choir - March 9 p.m. at Westminister Church
Grade 4 Orff Club - March 20 a.m. at Bird's Hill School

We will need parent volunteers for these events so if you have your criminal record check and are available, please let me know!

Music Celebration

The Grade 5 Theatre Club will be performing We're All in this Together at Music Celebration on February 12 at Sturgeon Creek United Church (207 Thompson Drive).  Students are asked to arrive at 4:40 and perform at 5:10.

The Grade 3 Choir will be performing L'oranger and Jim-Along-Josie at Music Celebration on February 12 at Sturgeon Creek United Church (207 Thompson Drive).  Students are asked to arrive at 5:15 and perform at 5:50 in their choir uniform (vests will be given to students that day).

Parents are responsible for driving the students to and from the concert.  This is a practice before singing at the Winnipeg Music Festival.  Please come out and support our school groups!